


Ever since we spent that long weekend in Barcelona 5 years ago we have been offering certain clients the chance to experience paella at Bay Laurel Culinary events. We make ours over a real fire using a combination of mesquite charcoal and organic almond wood.…

Dinner for Adele

Dinner for Adele

This time of year we get really busy and a lot of great things happen around the BLC&K compound that do not get broadcast to the outside world. Although we are constantly looking forward to our next event I thought it would be slightly amiss…

The Wanda & the Psychedelic Spyglass

The Wanda & the Psychedelic Spyglass

A couple times a year (usually in summer) we get asked to cater a cruise or two around the bay (usually at sunset). The last time we went out it was on the Wanda, a 90 foot yacht commissioned to be built in 1922 for…

Chefs’ Day Off: Chapter One

Chefs’ Day Off: Chapter One

When the chefs have a little time off, we travel. We travel to eat and to learn and we have been inspired by a wide variety of countries, cultures and cuisines around the world. None more important than Ireland. Ireland’s acute awareness of its cultural…

The Chef’s Spring Break; A few days of Adventure, R & D in the Golden State

The Chef’s Spring Break; A few days of Adventure, R & D in the Golden State

We recently took a few days to see what was happening with our neighbors in California. A shoestring budget got us deserted campsites, hikes, free museums, gardens, parks, a movie (about food), history lessons and a full force burger tour in LA. In between we…